I heard from
Cathy that she was setting the gameboard aside until after the holidays.
Also from Kay (without blog): "Well, so much for the Drawn Thread game board. I ALMOST finished half way--got 16 houses finished, the border around the top- except for the side where the year and initials are suppose to be sewn, and the little squares between the houses--then last night--I started on the second half--goofed up the pattern--had to cut out half a house--and decided to put it away for a while. Want to work on some little-quick-no brainer things."
OK, so, I put it aside to work on a holiday ornament for my Mom. I think working on some holiday stitching is in order :D I'll pick up the DT sampler in January!!
- - - - -
As for Move It Out Monday ... I still have
Country Garden to finish.
I read on
Karen's Blog that she was going to start
A Stitch in Pine this week. Wanting to launch this ... I spent most of my Monday -- moving my stash around! I did find everything & was happy to start this sampler. Didn't get much accomplished ... just the outside border. If you go to Karen's Blog, you will see the trees just GREW right on her linen!! She is so far along. She may finish it by Friday ... yikes.

One problem I HAD, was the button. I couldn't find it (never mind I bought this pattern, floss, button back in 1998). Lucky me,
Tina had charts for button substitutes. Tina has a picture on her blog of "A Stitch in Pine".
As I was working my way thru 'stash', I came across this chart. I pulled out the floss the chart called for (301, 400, 610, 829, 832, 3031) There were Needlepoint Silks listed, too. I thought the floss colors I had in my hand didn't really look like the colors in the photograph -- I was thinking the floss colors looked brighter in the picture. I tried to match floss to the photograph. This will be my next 'Monday' project. And, if the colors I pulled out don't look right -- I can always do it again in the suggested colors. It is 74W x 93H

Now, after working on WIP after WIP, it is really fun to get out THREE new projects to stitch.
Photo added:

See the difference? These are the floss colors the pattern calls for.