c.1998 Maureen Appleton of The Heart's Content, Inc. [pattern in Just Cross Stitch Ornament Magazine]. I'm using DMC floss -- on a lower count linen. I wanted this to be a tad bigger. The designer made this on a 35-count grey clay linen - w/stitching over one thread. I totally like the Christmas Tree & think it is classy as an ornament , stitched over 2 threads.
The boys have early dismissal today. We are running errands [dry cleaner, pet store, water store, post office, bank, public library] Boring, right? Nick has Marching Band tonight, football game. Plus, he will be participating in Band Day, held in West Lafayette IN, Purdue University -- tomorrow -- something about football & marching bands. I'm so not into sports.
I'm totally bummed about the
spinach pkgs. Once I read about how good spinach was for our eyes, I've been eating it regularly. I know how important 'brain food' is ... but as a stitcher ... I want "eye" food. Guess I'll have to eat carrots or something. There is a farmer's market near our home & I just might stop in & see about some fresh spinach. The grocery shelves are EMPTY.
TGIF - enjoy the week-end