so far: I really should have started with the motif on the other side of the bookmark.
the instructions were to make the flower (the motif with the points) from the center outward and then couch down fibers in between motifs ...
Yep, that would have been easier ...
The buttonhole filling looked complicated, so I started on the other end
As I was making the buttonhole stitching in the center ring & bringing fibers into the sides, I realized I needed fibers in between the motifs to anchor the side fiber.
I managed to figure a way to get the fiber couched down and will get it wrapped (overcast stitch) later today/tonight
the other lines are supposed to be buttonhole (I think)
picture in progress:
This is what the back looks like I've been couching with green sewing thread ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Looking around the internet, I found: Reticella: a walk throuth the beginnings of Lace, Link Here has nice background info with project & bibliography
I was given these photos from Pat Winter of the tea trays she purchased
It is so much fun for me to see close up images these pieces
I thought I'd share ...
Polly, put the kettle on and we'll all have tea
(who is Polly?)
Except the kettle boiling be, filling the pot spoils the tea
And, I wasn't able to figure out what that meant -- so, consulted with a couple tea drinkers & stitching friends, in the know ... they tell me you can only brew a good pot of tea with BOILING water not warm, not hot --- has to be boiling
Another picture:
Has anybody else seen or stitched a sampler like these?
If you look at her post and scroll down to the items she purchased, you'll see a couple of trays with tea themes ....
What a blast from the past
In July of 2001, I purchased a pattern, from a stitching friend, called The Tea Sampler c.1996 Threads Through Time
This morning, I unearthed it in my stash:
On the pattern, it says "This little tea sampler was found at a flea market and is now in a private collection. The original is a tiny piece measuring 4 1/2" wide by 4" tall. Unframed, the linen was sewn to a fabric backing. The verse is a rebus in which a picture represents a word."
This is the photo which came with the pattern:
This is a close-up of the one I stitched: I used wildflowers by Caron (Fiesta) and Danish Designs flower thread
Of course, I took it to some stitchy friends & we decided the verse was:
Except the kettle boiling be, Filling the pot spoils the tea
The photo on Pat's blog reads: Put the kettle on And we'll all have tea
my guess is the tray underneath has nearly the same verse as the one in the pattern I have
Has anybody else seen sampler verse in a rebus? I find them so interesting
You are welcome to an Open House at The Scarlet Letter and Smoke Ham Farm, June 12th, 2010, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, where you will be able to view and purchase our antique and reproduction samplers, kits, charts, books, needlework accessories, and other new or limited edition items not available on our website or through the mail order catalog.