I had a good time with the New Knitter Mitts (Skacel) ... it was a kit. DD also has a kit!

Started another kit, Montana Mitts -- Wool and the Gang. Knitting done on one, starting the 2nd one soon.

knitted beverage cozy . Enjoyed the cable pattern. This kit was from 10,000 Villages.

New hat for DH. Ann Norling Pattern, spiral rib hat. I've knitted a few hats with this pattern.

Matese bag - which needs to be sewn together!!! I'm undecided about making a lining for the bag. I really liked the pattern, the Berroco yarn, espresso is now discontinued : ( I did manage to find some espresso in green colors. Hope to knit a 2nd bag in this pattern soon.
While visiting Montana in 2017, my sister gave me some fibers. We were at 2nd hand store & I found knitting needles -- this trim/edge pattern was on line. interweave.com/article/needlework/weldons-mystery-project-knitted-lace-edging/
So, I knitted the edge in 2017 -- and the pattern and knitting became separated! "
A few days ago, I found the knitted trim, still on the knitting needles. Bound off and not sure where I'll put this knitted piece.

Here are a few of the rectangles I've knitted. They will be donated to
Warm Up America -- once I knit up the rest of the acrylic yarn I own.
September is National
Sewing month .... The above photo part of a gift for DF. The origami bag is useful for any kind of project! And
the ort container is really fun to make. I think I have sewn up 4 of them (to be given away). I like to add yo-yo's ; however , buttons look pretty good on the containers, too.
Do you have left over fabric --- try a pattern ....
link HERE.
Multiple dischcloths!!! Probably too many to post.

Small mug rug with left-over cotton yarn (takes apx 20 yards)
Aside from fiber arts & sewing ..... I've been enjoyed zentangle classes - and on-line videos.
Filled one sketchbook of this-n-that.

And, coloring - I enjoy the pages from Johanna Basford. Her illustrations are great fun for for me to fill in with color --- I prefer coloring pencils.