I have had a few comments regarding perle coton boxes I have made. I use them all the time. They are made with index cards and ribbons. I use these boxes to keep the perle coton balls from rolling around, to easily pull fiber off the core, and to save the label!
Since my posts about the perle coton boxes,
I had been asked about template(s)
directions & instructions. The index cards can be plain, or stamped with motifs. CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE
I'm really not good at explaining
so, I took apart a box
& will try to show how I create boxes
I start with a 4" x 6" card
(index card, card stock, light weight cardboard
Decorate - or leave plain
Cut 4 slits & Fold
Attach label to ends of box -- double sided tape, glue, whatever is on hand
Use Paper punch where you want your ribbons
Ribbon should be 18-19" & secure the perle coton balls in place
Not too tight or they will not roll easily when fiber end is pulled
I use a bodkin & two colors of ribbon
Thread thru the box & perle coton balls
Use 2nd ribbon and repeat on the other side
Bows on the ends over labels
You can also make a box for one perle coton ball. Adjust the size.