Monday, February 13, 2023

Cord Making

The Lafayette Lacemaker's demonstrate annually at the Feast of the Hunters' Moon.  
At the last meeting, we talked about lucet cord making (previous post), 
and new-to-me finger loop braiding.

From their blog:    "For the next couple of meetings, we are going to acquaint ourselves with some of the period appropriate (Feast of the Hunters' Moon) fiber activities that people would see if they came into our homes (huts or tents). "

Direct Link:

With a little coaching from member Carolyn R, I think I got the hang of it.

In 2022, I participated in the demonstration.   My focus was on tatting.
Shuttles made of Horn, I did my best on simple tatting.  A challenge as they didn't have a pic.

Other members demonstrated bobbin lace and lace knitting.

btw, did you see the ad for Tulip (brand) embroidery scissors with the curved blade ?


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