I have pulled my fibers and pattern for
Cherished Workes. I like this piece of lambswool linen from my stash & will have to see if it is large enough for the case & needlebook. If I have more linen, I could always stitch the third motif (maybe for the inside pocket?) as I didn't purchase the floss palatte. I have most of the overdye & some skeins of floss. This SAL is from the
Sewing Smalls Yahoo group. I should have the basting lines in & part of the red house before the next part is suggested on Jan 12th. Probably launch this on Monday.

Nikki, you look the way I feel. Drove Tori & her friend back to Indiana University yesterday, I have much to do today & only have the energy to read ... hmmmm ... some days are just like that.
"I have a belief on my own, and it comforts me .... That by desiring what is perfectly good, even when we don't quite know what it is and cannot do what we would, we are part of the divine power against evil--widening the skirts of light and making the struggle with darkness narrower." by George Eliot, Middlemarch.