Caron Keeper (times two). Freebie pattern on the Caron web site. The one w/dark blue cording is a gift. The other one made from left overs. Camp Quality book cover w/felt, buttons & various fibers. The spider web didn't show up well in the pic -- it is done with Kreinik glow-n-the-dark fiber. Used a lot of perle coton #8 & some purple tatting thread. The buttonhole stitch is not a good one for me! spacing gets off. Today I will get stitching on my Friendship project ....
Nikki curled up about two feet from my creative corner. He is just waiting for me to leave so he can bat the perle cotton balls all over the place. Nikki (my daughter's cat) aka "BRAT" is a constant pest into my floss and perle cotton. He sneaks into my room, grabs a skein of floss & chews it up .... or he paws at the perle coton balls and charges all over the house with them!
Dog in the background is Buddy .... Buddy was boarded at a kennel & never picked up by his owner. We took him in when he was about 2 yrs old. He sneaks on the bed after DH goes to work.
WOW, those are awesome! Great job :) You do BEEutiful work and finishing :)
Carol, your finishes are awesome! I've been reading your postings for quite sometime now - you (and others) inspired me to start my own stitching blog: www.needleandthread.blogspot.com. Have a nice weekend.
Brat is THE CUTEST! What a face! And, thank you for rescuing Buddy! How can someone be that cruel?? Well, at least he wasn't just left at the side of the road, right? Your finishes are lovely - I am so impressed :-)
Lovely work, and isn't it wonderful to get UFOs finished!!!!!
Thank oyu for dropping by my blog. :)
I love your blog and all your pictures! Thanks for stopping by my blog too :-)
Hi Lelia, your finishes are lovely!!
I love that photo of "Brat" and Buddy ;o)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
The Caron keepers are awesome. Love what you did with your Camp Quality stuff - your buttonhole stitch looks fine to me! Cute kitty - I miss mine.
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