Is this kewl, or what? These were given to the workshop participants. They are 3" square measuring rulers. Luv it : )

I appreciate all the kind e-mails & comments re. Hillside Samplings group project. I think the workshop (on Saturday) went well. I did not get much stitching accomplished during the workshop; however, did enjoy needlechat + meeting new stitchers.
Per request, I have posted a close-up picture of the needlebook cover (above)

and a close-up picture of the alphabet. There are four different stitches in the alphabets: rice stitch, palestrina knot, smyrna cross, 4-sided stitch.
(Note to non-bloggers, if you click on a photo - they will enlarge on your computer screen.)

Progress picture. I worked on this piece of linen before & during the workshop. I wanted to be sure to have the pocket edges counted out correctly -- and the fob outline counted out correctly. I'm thinking there might be enough linen to make a small pinkeep [with mat board]. I was lucky to find pins on 50% off sale. I do need some sort of cardboard or mat board for the pinkeeps -- see, I've never made one.

Progress picture. This is the bottom piece - and the pockets & tufted pincushion will be sewn on. I will put the flowers on before adding the lining.
As for the question re. the thread winder in my previous post: The thread winder & ruler are extra - not part of the stitching kit. I ordered the thread winder separately from the kit. I did not purchase the ruler. I don't know if they are still available.
During the workshop - stitching time - my GF, Mel, pulled out her instructions for
Chottie's Plaid. It was a class from a previous EGA chapter meeting. Lucky for us, the woman who taught the group was at the next table -- and gave us hands-on instruction & stitched up a sample. It is so awesome to watch them progress. Thank you Marge G for the hands-on lesson!
After the EGA class, I went home & I tried this technique - I made a mess of it!! After getting a step-by-step from Marge G -- I know how to create these reversible plaids. There is a nice web site
here with photos, freebies, info, etc. I came home, unearthed my directions - pulled out the threads & plan to start a new plaid w/spring colors.