Before you ask ... the threadwinders are from House of Stitches . They come in boxes of six & I couldn't resist purchasing the butterfly design [several designs available]. I have a thing for threadwinders. And, as always, click on the photo to enlarge [for those readers not familiar with blogging]
My blog for knitting, sewing, buttons, reading, needlework; frequent visits to local exhibits, gatherings with friends + creative events.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Satin Stitch - Heart Kit
Boo! Happy Halloween!
This lovely heart (first photo) is another kit from The Victoria Sampler. It was given to me by a NANI friend. I spent a good deal of time locating the charm & beads for this one. As it was an 'in the car' project - I took out the charm/bead pkg & put it 'someplace' where it would not be 'lost'. Yeah -- what a fossil. Took me awhile to unearth the pkg!!! Later this afternoon, I plan to stitch the rest of it.
This is a kit I stitched up a few years back & finished into a heart ornament. It is Assisi Embroidery. I plan to finish the Satin Stitch heart (first photo) in the same way. As I recall, it was a doorprize at an EGA chapter event. These are nice kits as there are different fibers included & ENOUGH fibers included ... you know what I mean? Dreadful to run out of ingredients when you purchase a kit.
I started this kit at the Dentist's office waiting room ... & thought I might finish it up this week. I love the title of these hearts "Beyond Cross Stitch" as they sprinkle in specialty stitches. I'm really tired of the 'x' right now. I in the mood for other kinds of stitching.
Before you ask ... the threadwinders are from House of Stitches . They come in boxes of six & I couldn't resist purchasing the butterfly design [several designs available]. I have a thing for threadwinders. And, as always, click on the photo to enlarge [for those readers not familiar with blogging]
Before you ask ... the threadwinders are from House of Stitches . They come in boxes of six & I couldn't resist purchasing the butterfly design [several designs available]. I have a thing for threadwinders. And, as always, click on the photo to enlarge [for those readers not familiar with blogging]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Lavender Sachet / Back side ...
Thx to everybody for your kind e-mails and comments. I wish some of my non-blogging stitching friends would take the plunge & try their hands at blogs!! For me, it is a good record of my stitching.
This is what the back of the kit looks like -- cute with the charm!!! I opted to use the left over dk purple for the lettering & changed the style.
This is a close-up of the back.
The lettering is from an alphabet book by Marsha Van ValinMore Alphabets from Early Samplers
The lettering is from an alphabet book by Marsha Van Valin
Rhodes Stitch [front of sachet]
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Herbal Sachet Kit
Front: 62H x 40W. 28ct Antique White Cashel Linen. Kreinik #4 Braid #002; DMC #12 White Perle Cotton; AVAS #1343 (purple); DMC Floss 210, 501, 502, 3813, blanc, 208; Mill Hill beads; Needle Necessities #178 Coventry Gardens. Back: Should finish tomorrow -- has cross stitch & a cute bumble bee charm!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Thx Carol : )

Stitching blogs makes me smile. I'll try not to duplicate from other blogs ... here goes ... more fabulous blogs to visit over your morning tea:
AnneS Feather Stitching
Anita Anita's Stitching
Cindy Random Stitching Ramblings
Danielle The Peacock's Feather
Joanne Aussie Stitcher
Laren The Needles Excellency
Linda Linda K's Creativity Works
Linn The Embroideress
Myrna Still Living in Wonderland
Wendy Wendy ~ Home at Work
Yasmin Yasmin's Stitching
Thank you Carol for the You Make Me Smile Award .
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
tired of the "x"?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
You Make Me Smile

I received this award from Jaimie AND Suzanne. Nice of both of you to mention me in your posts. Thank you very much! Your blogs make me smile, too.
There are many many blogs that I enjoy visiting. Bloggers make me smile every morning while I am browsing all their posts & drooling over their projects -- hard to narrow down a list into just ten (I think I listed eleven -- could have listed 11 more!) ... I agree with Suzanne that it is an excellent way to showcase blogs, I have tried not to duplicate the blogs they listed & perhaps there is one or two that you have not visited in the past.
Anna, Stitch Bitch
Barbara, Mainely Stitching
Cathy, With Needle and Thread
Chelle, Totally Toadlily
Gina E, Patra's Place
Jenna, Tale of a Shooting Star
Judy, Crazee4Books (and her stitching is lovely, too)
Monique, Inside No.20
SharonB, In a Minute Ago
Von, On the Dry Side
Vonna,The Twisted Stitcher
Now I know my A-B-C's ...
Friday, October 12, 2007
Sew With Kindness
Thursday, October 11, 2007
more links
Stitching pictures later tonight or tomorrow a.m.; meanwhile, thank you for your kind comments & e-mails .... a few more links you might find interesting.
Article re. Museum Celle
Operation "I Embroider & You?" Trust me, check it out : )
Westmoreland Museum pictures of PA Samplers
The Embroiderers' Story Blog: "Over the next year, we will be recreating a 17th-century embroidered jacket. The Embroiderers' Story will chronicle its progress"
The Needle's Excellency by John Taylor -- Godfrey's Bookshelf has many on-line books from the 15-19th century.
Maryland Sampling 1738-1860, samplers
Article re. Museum Celle
Operation "I Embroider & You?" Trust me, check it out : )
Westmoreland Museum pictures of PA Samplers
The Embroiderers' Story Blog: "Over the next year, we will be recreating a 17th-century embroidered jacket. The Embroiderers' Story will chronicle its progress"
The Needle's Excellency by John Taylor -- Godfrey's Bookshelf has many on-line books from the 15-19th century.
Maryland Sampling 1738-1860, samplers
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Interesing links ...
After reading Monique's post about Designer Blogs and enjoying browsing all her links, I decided to share a few on-line places I found interesting:
Burrell Collection Seventeenth Century Samplers
Charleston Museum - repro sampler kit
Online Digital Archive which includes excellent sampler books
V&A Museum blog
American Needlework at the Met
Tennessee Sampler Survey
repro kits
Berlin Embroidery Designs
CQ Mag Online
Samplers of the Pennsylvania Germans book I want to get my hands on some day !!!!
Burrell Collection Seventeenth Century Samplers
Charleston Museum - repro sampler kit
Online Digital Archive which includes excellent sampler books
V&A Museum blog
American Needlework at the Met
Tennessee Sampler Survey
repro kits
Berlin Embroidery Designs
CQ Mag Online
Samplers of the Pennsylvania Germans book I want to get my hands on some day !!!!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Stitching & Reading
The alarm clock was NOT FUN ...
Anybody notice Oprah's new book selection??? This one was on my 'to read' list. And, it is on my bookshelf.

Spark Notes.
Movie site.
Book Info here.
Anybody planning to read along?
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