I was thrilled to hear from GF Cathy via Facebook. I had lost track of her after she married & was delighted to catch up. She has opened her own shop Inspired Needle, in Lemont, IL. She has a great blog, too. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Speaking of great blogs -- Check out Edgar's Blogoversary prize!!! Winner to be announced May 11th. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Keep an eye on Marjorie's Blog as she was planning another giveaway this week. ALSO, Carolyn was going to put up a post about a contast for the famous travelling pattern of the sisterhood, (a.k.a. Waxing Moon’s “My Needle and My Floss”). - - - - - - - - - - - - Oh my -- did she ever give my heart a start!!! I had been over-doing the Spring Cleaning in our daughter's room (getting it ready for her to move home for a couple months). I realized I hadn't seen our curious cat in a couple hours. I was looking hi & lo for our Honey Bunny... and nearly fainted when I saw her laying next to my iron.

Of course, she was just making herself comfy on the folded blue jeans.

And, I had to slap my forehead remembering I had finished the ironing hours before. The iron was was shut-off & un-plugged.

Honestly, does she look like she'd curl up with a hot iron? Of course not. What was I thinking?

I should have just finished folding the laundry & then I would have put the iron away.
- - - - - - - - - - - Many thx for all your kind words about my Grandmother's wedding photo and the humble way I stitched the Blackbird Designs sampler. I enjoyed that project as I was able to recall my Grandmother with every stitch. Wasn't it fantastic to go blog hopping and see all the variety of ground, fibers, bird motifs, and dedications? Aren't stitchers just the best??? Enjoy the day -- stitch well my friends.