Sun Region, EGA, hosted A
Stitcher's Celebration last week-end. The event was a celebration of their hosting the 2011 Seminar in Naples, FL Also, an event for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Florida, participation thru opportunity drawings, silent auction, chapter fundraising, and generous donations. Oh my, the Committee Members put on quite a party! Job Well Done! Thank you for your attention to detail and planning this fabulous gathering.

I brought ~Mini Flower Basket Sampler~ (A Reproduction from the Collection of
The Embroiderers' Guild of America, Inc. Accession #00012.
I pulled a 28-ct linen from the closet with silk fibers in my stash. I had a few colors that were suggested on the pattern. Most were substitutes; however, the effect should be similar.
I had previously stitched individual motifs for our local EGA Chapter,
NANI. They were used for
Common Threads card line, Hospice Card Artisans.
I thought it was about time I created the reproduction of the whole sampler. The center basket are
queen stitches. Will be colorful when completed.
I enjoyed attending my first EGA Region event. It was held at Marriott's
Bohemian Hotel in Celebration, Florida. Imagine 48 round-the-clock hours of stitching! Well, something like that. The ballroom was open for stitching from Friday noon - Sunday noon. Plenty of time for stitching, strolling the charming town, resting, chatting with friends, and being gobsmacked by all the TALENT in the room! wonderful to stroll around the tables and see what needleworkers were creating. And, sometimes, seeing the actual completed project of patterns I have ... in the ... closet. As I recall, there were nearly 80 participants. I met delightful and charming stitchers including our current EGA President, Lorie Welker.
This lovely tote was given to each participant. Inside were beautiful fibers, a hand stitched logo of the event inserted into a luggage tag, and a kit to create your own scissors fob AND the scissors.
The 3-petal cloth, drawstring bag was a door prize from Sunday morning.
During the day, there were informal gatherings around one of the tables. Participants were able to sign up and take the class.

The classes were: loop braiding, making your own twisted cord, making a beautiful edging (left), and learning the RPL cord - and creating RPL bracelets (right) with pony beads.

I took the RPL cord class. Was looking forward to learning this technique; never mind I needed to learn basic crochet first. The instructor was awesome. And, the nice stitcher sitting next to me at the table helped with the crochet basics. After a while, my brain began to work + I think I've got it. There are endless possibilities with the RPL cord, many beautiful lace patterns. For those in EGA who receive the
Needle Arts Magazine, there had been patterns in previous issues.
Heather has
a nice post on her blog,
Its Geek to Me, with many beautiful photographs of the area, views from the hotel window. Don't miss it!
I had taken some stitched accessories with me. I have since found the pattern. When asked, I had remembered it was an Ewe + Eye -- couldn't recall the name:
Tiny Teacup Scissor Companion (kit)
c. Ewe + Eye + Friends
Kam Slagel Barbara Stark 2000
Anchor floss on 35ct Italian Linen
from L C Kramer Co.
If / when you have the opportunity, attend an event. It is fun, you meet lovely people, and might even put in a few stitches into your project!!!