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I thought about 2013 + decided it was time to dig thru the wardrobe and pull out the Scarlet Letter projects I have tucked away. I think this is all of them. Each of these listed would be new starts - except for Ann Scutt (WIP).
Seven Possible projects for the challenge:
(Is back on the Scarlet Letter web site)
A Pastoral (surface embroidery sampler) I don't see this one on line. Possibly out of print?
A Pastoral (surface embroidery sampler) I don't see this one on line. Possibly out of print?
Now that I pulled this out of the closet - I realize how BIG this sampler would be as it is 25 count linen. I did enjoy stitching the little spot motifs. Not sure about this one - maybe on a 32 count linen! Might be out of print. I cannot locate it on line.
Joanna Warren 1655 Probably way over my head .... maybe some day. It is a difficult sampler!
Two Scarlet Letter projects --- already framed:
Which I have already stitched - and thought I'd like to try it again on a different linen.
Looking at the list of participants - (list growing daily) - this should be a fantastic year for samplers!
As part of the rules .... each of the posts on Nicola's group blog are to have the following labels:
Your Name,
Name of the Sampler,
Status of Sampler ie New Start, WIP, Finish or Framed
(use “Framed” if you include a new post showing a photo of a framed piece you have previously posted as a “Finish”).