Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Knitting mitts

Knitting a pair of texting mitts -- fingerless gloves.
For my costume (October 2024 Feast of the Hunters' Moon.

The yarn is hand spun Shetland from Scarlet Letter.
I purchased these many years ago!!!
Honestly, barely enough for the pair.

My previous  (2 pair of ) mitts, for my costume, are shorter in length.
Depending on the weather, a longer mitt may be needed.
 the off-white pair are short.
The ones I made last year were still too short.
 (gave 2 pair away).  Hoping the third try will be the charm.    

New Knitter Mits pattern:
pattern link HERE -- video below.

 If you are in the area,
The Feast of the Hunters' Moon is a two-day event. (photo from last year)
October 5-6, 2024

Be sure to stop by and say hello:
 Location 104


2129 So. River Road
West Lafayette, IN 47906


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