My blog for knitting, sewing, buttons, reading, needlework; frequent visits to local exhibits, gatherings with friends + creative events.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Gifts from Malaysia
Prairie Schooler - freebie
ID on stitching?
Do you always sign your projects? If not, why? If so, do you use your first name, initials or what?
What a good question Kimberly. When stitching 'gifts' I think it looks so silly with my initials &/or name - when this is for somebody else who may not understand why it is their gift with MY NAME -- AND, When stitching a reproduction sampler - I'm always tempted to use the ORIGINAL STITCHER's name. Using my name on projects is a difficult task. I'm known by my family as "Little Lee" after my maternal Grandmother - Lelia Evelyn, who passed away weeks after I was born. (LEE was my Grandmother's Monogram) Outside of my family, I'm usually known by Carol or Carol Lee or Lee. so - I don't know what to use & skip it most of the time. Looking forward to reading how other stitchers 'sign' their work.
Friday, November 25, 2005
The Shadow of the Wind
I was on the 'request' list at the public library for quite awhile & was delighted to get my hands on this book. New York Times book review. Today, DH & Vickie are working. The boys are sleeping. I'm going to sit around & read ; )
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Gift for Aunt Penny
Tori arrived home last night & we talked until midnight. Received another dusting of snow & hear it will melt off later this a.m. Enjoy the day!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Thanks Margaret
Monday, November 21, 2005
Prairie Moon
Sunday, November 20, 2005
2 busy 2 blog ...
I was asked about my beading projects ... I've made pins & amulet pouches -- I don't think I have photos. Maybe I'll get them out & post them in a couple weeks.
Some time ago, I told Margaret W (from stitching smalls yahoo group) I'd post WIP photos of my M.Garry project. I didn't get the inside pockets stitched & sewn in(yet). I put it aside for holiday stitching - Here they are (front,back,open):
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
N. Hinde 1778 WIP
According to the Scarlet Letter Web page, introducing miniature samplers "Girls and women gave each other gifts of their handwork- a meaningful sentiment then as well as now" It also says the samplers were occasionally put into small books.
So I'm thinking, how cool would that be? having a selection of miniature samplers received from stitching pals?
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Take the Stitcher's Quiz ...
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Cross-Eyed Cricket (freebie)
I started Drawn Thread's Linen & Lace ... if I can manage all the specialty stitches, it will be a holiday gift. My Nicholas is home from school today -- just not feeling well. Here we go again ....
Thank you Isabelle & Anna for the links ; ) I appreciate it very much.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Library Lover ...
Inbetween cleaning (gotta do that before the holidays) this-n-that, I'll take some coffee breaks with books. This test was on Jenna's blog (Tale of a Shooting Star) and I just had to give it a try ...
Your #1 Match: INFJ |
The Protector You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity. Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is. You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience. You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them. You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher. |
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
Afghan WIP
Friday, November 04, 2005
On a photo hunt ...
I have been trying to photograph the kittens who were dropped off at our home this Summer. They are very shy. Today, I had some luck with two of them. I fed them early (because Alex had show choir practice at 7am). When I went out to grab their food tray, two of the 3 were sleeping. When I came closer, they decided I was harmless & let me photograph them. Wish the tiger striped one was around -- if it was, it was hidden!This is the shy siamese mix
This is the bold siamese/mix
Good thing this camera has a close-up button! They were not very close to me. Both of these kittens are easy to spot as they have a lot of white fur. Blue eyes. Their faces are grey-blue. Their tails are tiger stripe. Their legs have a grey/white stripe. The tiger-stipe is very beautiful with white paws.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Read it
Danielle: Yes, I read Moon Tide ... I thought it was a fantastic story & she wrote with a poetic descriptive style I enjoyed. I wonder what she will come up with next?
Christine: June 2005 -- her first novel was Moon Tide (also very good). I have some excerpts in my Xanga