I heard about this from a yahoo group - I checked this out at the public library. I've enjoyed the first section. It is historical fiction from Lydia Cassatt's perspective. Fabulously interesting ...
Thank you for all your comments. This week, Alex wants to try out for HS Show Choir & Audition for the musical. The boys have their school photos on Tuesday. Nick has their marching band debut on Friday night [football game]. Plus, kittens will be 8-weeks old & I need to find a place for them.
Carol: Mom Cat continues with her bizarre behaviour. Nick opens the door & lets Mom & kittens into his room when he is home. Mom Cat seems happier. She enjoys patroling his room & watching the fish swim around the tank. [fish tank is contained & the kittens/cat cannot get to the fish]. DH wants me to get her altered & we will try keeping her. I still think her heart is into the outdoors & I doubt she will be a housepet. She may hit the road after we get her altered; however, she may be happy staying in our yard & being indoors at night ... only time will tell.
KarenV: Good luck with your adopted kitten. Sorry to hear it got a crummy start to life. I remain hopeful the leg will heal & it will be a loving pet in your family.
Kitty: Go ahead & add the photos to your album. Go ahead & put the picture on your blog. They really are sweetie pies & we try to get nice photos of them. I have tried to get all of them in one picture without any success.
Sue: I have to part with the kittens. If they get beyong their 'cute' stage, I don't think anybody will adopt them. This week I'm going to try the Independent Cat Society first, then the Humane Society. I've been told adoptions usually happen on the week-ends. So, by Thursday they will be 8-weeks old & I will think positive thoughts they will find new homes. Meanwhile, we are doing our best to keep their area clean, handle them so they will not be skittish, play with them, and keep them well fed.
As for stitching ... zero to report. I'd like to get into some deep housecleaning while the boys are in class & then would be able to relax with a good book or stitching :D