Because of this for-krap cold, I had my son hand carry my Mom's gift to her. I stayed in the car -- my Mom's birthday is Friday. I gave her the Soweth Sampler which I finished up in June or July. She called & said she liked it. Go me : )
Thx to Melody & Elaine who have a bag of stash for me. I am grateful.
Last year I had a that I thought was "the worst I ever had" turned out I had pneumonia...take care! Make sure you don't have that!!!!!
Hope you are feeling better soon :)
Sorry your not feeling so well. I hope your nasty cold goes away soon so you can get back to your stitching. (((HUGS)))
This cold does seem to be dragging on! Please take care of yourself! I'd hate to think you had pneumonia, as Vonna pointed out, and didn't get to the doc to have it checked. Hugs!
She looks sweet! Sorry to hear your cold is dragging on so long :-(
Being too sick to stitch is just wrong. I hope that you feel better soon!
Since I've started cross stitch about a year ago, I have no Marry Garrys charts, so I really like to see someone's progress of Marry Garry's!
It already seems so lovely!
I look forward to see your progress, too!
Sorry to hear you've been so unwell - fingers crossed you shake off that nasty cold soon and can get back to 'life as normal' {{hugs}}
Hope you feel better soon {{{HUGS}}} your little wip is adorable! (Thanks again for those freebies!)
She looks great. I hope you are feeling better:)
Sorry to hear that you are still fighting the cold. Hope you are better soon. Your lady is looking good so far though, you have been making headway.
Love your little sampler girl!! I'm so sorry you've had the bad cold. Ugh! They can so zap your strength!
Dear Lelia,
I'm spending tonight catching up with blogs I haven't visited for a while, and I am dismayed to find so many people are so ill. We've had similar cold and flu viruses roaming Down Under too - I think Planet Earth is sick at heart, and this is reflected in our health...Anyway, I hope by the time you read this, you are fully recovered and feeling more like stitching.
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