While looking thru my stash, I pulled out a few gem repro sampler charts. I enjoy owning them. Most are 2nd hand charts. Samplers are dear to me. There is just something about them. Thinking about 'somebody' back in time, stitching these marvelous projects. Not only that ... but SOMEBODY else SAVED THEM. They were cherished, saved, and passed along. These patches from the past speak to me.
I wish I could live another 50 or 60 years and stitch everything in my stash - esp the repros in my closet. Since that isn't possible, I decided to pull out a few favorite samplers and stitch some of the basket motifs. I suppose I could finish them into 'somethings'.
Mainly, I stitched them for joy ... and am grateful for those who stitched the originals, those who saved them from the litter bins, those who scoured flea markets - second hand stores, and blessings to the angels who created graphs!! I cannot begin to express my gratitute : )
~Mini Flower Basket Sampler~ A reproduction from the Collection of The Embroiderers' Guild of America, Inc. Accession #00012.
Chart or Kit Available LINK HERE There are color suggested for Soie d'Alger Silk, DMC cotton & Anchor cotton floss.
Per chart, this sampler was stitched before the late 1800s. Aren't the colors cheerful? They are close to the floral handles in the 2008 Designer Series 4" Emma Embroidery Scissors
Interesting how different the DMC and Anchor cotton change the look of the motifs
Squares stitched on 32-count Antique Ivory linen (right side) and Antique White Linen (left side).
I think this is a super idea! I am also fascinated by the difference between the Anchor and DMC motifs. Wow! I went to buy a pair of Emma scissors yesterday. From the photos I've seen I thought the base color was black. Alas, the blue did not appeal. On a brighter note, I'll save the $ and spend it in Paducah! Less than a week until the wheels on the bus go round and round. Woot!
Nice entry, I enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the way the samplers were shared and saved through the years. Also, it was an interesting contrast seeing the motifs with the different threads and on the different linens. Sue
I love thinking about you stitching the basket motifs just for the pure joy of it. Some day perhaps someone from the future will feel the same way about your work as you do about the work from the past.
The baskets are lovely and I love that you stitched them just for the enjoyment of it. Whether or not you finish them into "something" doesn't matter. Goodness knows, I have a box full of little things that I stitched just for the pleasure of seeing the colors come together. I know I will never do "anything" with them, but do enjoy going through the box occasionally.
Great pieces! I am a sampler hound too, as you said even if we don't stitch them all, I still enjoy looking at the designs and thinking about those who stitched them long ago.
They're lovely. I love the way you express your gratitude. This was such a wonderful pick-me-up entry - I needed it today.
I think that's a lovely idea, taking your favourite motifs and stitching them up like that. Nice post :)
I think this is a super idea! I am also fascinated by the difference between the Anchor and DMC motifs. Wow! I went to buy a pair of Emma scissors yesterday. From the photos I've seen I thought the base color was black. Alas, the blue did not appeal. On a brighter note, I'll save the $ and spend it in Paducah! Less than a week until the wheels on the bus go round and round. Woot!
Neat project :)
Ooh-got your card in todays mail! Thanks! I'll send your out Monday.
Nice entry, I enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the way the samplers were shared and saved through the years. Also, it was an interesting contrast seeing the motifs with the different threads and on the different linens.
I love thinking about you stitching the basket motifs just for the pure joy of it. Some day perhaps someone from the future will feel the same way about your work as you do about the work from the past.
Love the motifs you've stitched, they're simple but elegant!
The baskets are lovely and I love that you stitched them just for the enjoyment of it. Whether or not you finish them into "something" doesn't matter. Goodness knows, I have a box full of little things that I stitched just for the pleasure of seeing the colors come together. I know I will never do "anything" with them, but do enjoy going through the box occasionally.
Great pieces! I am a sampler hound too, as you said even if we don't stitch them all, I still enjoy looking at the designs and thinking about those who stitched them long ago.
All of those motifs are adorable
Your little squares are lovely and when you have enough you could stitch them into a quilt, a future sampler treasure to be passed on.
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