within the photograph
On Aug 7th, NANI volunteers gathered together to teach young campers
how to stitch. This is an annual event
coordinated by Marjorie blogging at Moonsilk Stitches.
This year, the project was designed by
Marjorie - kits were made by NANI members
Photo of Model & background info on
Marjorie's post silkscreen
We took her sketches (flower & tiki)
used xacto knives to make
stencils out of freezer paper
THEN, the freezer paper stencils were
ironed on felt - painted with foam brushes
using acrylic paints
After the paint dried
the pieces were cut to fit the lids of tin boxes
Also, Marjorie had a silk screen
created with fabric & stretcher bars
The NANI members learned two ways to make & use stencils!
some of the felt pieces had the motifs painted
and others had the backgrounds painted --- what fun
for the campers and companions to embellish these pieces!
Want to see them all? Check out Marjorie's post:
We had Fun
On Aug 7th, we joinged the campers (& companions).
They chose their felt pieces along with needle & perle cotton fibers
NANI members taught them
basic stitches, ie back stitch, whip stitch,
chain stitch, stem stitch, running stitch
Marjorie brought table decorations &
the campers (and companions) put the decs
in their name badge holders & some
added the decs to their felt pieces
To see the finished products, pictures of the campers, companions, etc.
look at Marjorie's post: Camp Quality
For more information on Camp Quality & the Outreach Program by our EGA chapter see: info from NANI blog
AND, did you notice the canvas tote bag? Marjorie gifted each volunteer with a canvas bag, painted with a motif from our project!!! Thx Marjorie for creating this project & teaching all of us how to make stencils, and the souvenier bag!

After the demonstration & encouragement from Marjorie,
I went out to find more craftie supplies
to make my own stencils -- funness
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