Sunday, June 02, 2024

Preparing for zoom class ....

On Tuesday, I have a zoom class thru the Lace Museum virtual education,
with Anna McDowell.   Henry's Buttons.

I've got two rings, from her kit, 
ready to embellish.

The first photo has a few of the buttons I've
created with her patterns (thru zoom sessions).

In addition to the trees, Anna McDowell with teach a Dorset Button
with crystal beads -- looking forward to that session, too.

Or, if you are interested in a button program -- 

go to the Virtual Education section -- of the Lace Museum.   

Scroll down ....  look for:

"Certificate Program for German Thread-Wrapped Buttons"

"Course Description: Monika Hoede and her associates at the TracfhtenKultur Beratung (Traditional Costume Culture Center) in Krumbach, Germany have created a button certificate program in which students make 100 different thread-technique buttons. Karen was given permission to adapt the program with additional buttons by Anna McDowell (England), Gina Barrett (England) and Sabine Krump (Austria). She and her first students are also just finishing their translation of the course book, Posamentenknopf, into English."


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