I was just visiting
Coni's Blog and enjoyed her post about customer service.
Now, I have to share my story, too. A few weeks ago, I was sorting thru older kits & patterns and put them all together in the basket of NAY*. I was pulling out the next sampler by
Waxing Moon Designs, settled down to stitch & opened up the folder to find the pattern missing. How odd, I thought. What a mystery. What could I have done with the pattern? I looked everyplace without any luck. I had the three buttons, over-dye fibers (priced at $1.50/each -- must have bought them some time ago -- and have no clue which LNS they came from), the cover -- hmm. I called my LNS and explained how I wanted to contact the designer and request a replacement. They shared the information, I sent an e-mail, and within days ... received my replacement pattern fom Jacque Fox. Isn't that kind of her? Thank you Jacque! I just noticed she has another web site called
Waxing Moon Studio with awesome stuff, including punchneedle & greeting cards!
So, here is the picture & goodies for starting my next project from the basket of NAY*:
I have avoided punchneedle so far. But I may have to give it a try!!!
I was so angry with this cat!! On Saturday, she snuck out during the day. I was busy with the sweeper, laundry, etc., and didn't realize she wasn't in the house until late afternoon. DH & I called her and called her. We were outside about every 20 min to 30 min -- & the mosquito bites! The neighbor had their cows in the pasture & the cows were calling back -- quite comical. About sunset, three racoons showed up at the back door. I went out to shoo them off & heard our
Honey Bunny meowing. I was so relieved - still irritated - but relieved. After about an hour, she just curled up in her basket.

Sorry about the late-last-night photo ... I managed to work on two of the motifs yesterday. As for the questions, it is a 6" brass ruler ... this was a kit I've had for a few years. I'm not exactly sure how to finish it. I think I can find some fabric for the ruler cover, back ... and hopefully get it to look nice.

*NAY=Not another year