Friday, August 11, 2023

Zwirnknöpf Button + World Cross Stitch Day

Zwirnknopf Button.
Instructions by Karen Smock.

I used a 2" wooden ring.
Turquoise:  DMC Size 8.   Color #959.
Yellow:  DMC Size 8.  Color #445
Pink/Red:  DMC Size 8.  Color #600.

The class project (kit), provided Red/White metallic/Blue crochet cotton
on a much larger wooden ring.  [mine, unfinished].
Learned a lot.   Beginning Zwirnknopf Button.
Zoom class thru The Lace Museum virtual education.
The classes are recorded and the
recording is available for a couple weeks following
the sessions.   Really a nice deal for participants.


1 comment:

Pamela said...

How gorgeous!


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