Delighted by the new issue. The spot sampler (one of 2 parts) has loads of interesting texture - they would be awesome in the sampler or just one motif stitched for a sewing small. Plus, the article on crewel embroidery is awesome.
Wendy asked about this book, and I can only say, I
really, really liked it -- It was interesting, well written, strong (wacky) characters, and an odd drama. Of the many I've read this year, these are my favorites:
The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry *****
Lauren Groff: The Monsters of Templeton*****
Kate Jacobs: Friday Night Knitting Club *****
(I requested the sequel from the library - Knit Two)
Maeve Binchy: Whitethorn Woods *****
Paulo Coelho: The Alchemist *****
Amy Bloom: Away (read it & listened on audio book -- I felt like I missed a few turns in the story - tho, even the second time around for this novel, was confused, would be perfect for a reading circle)
My 2008 Book List - link hereAs for younger readers, I've enjoyed the
Doll People series by Laura Godwin & Ann Martin.
Link here. I came accross these books while browsing the book store. Alex wanted a
french text of
The Little Prince & I had a blast going thru the shelves in the youth section.